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Got a question? Don't hesitate to start a chat, send a whatsapp message, mail or give us a call by using whatsapp.
Zuid Afrikaweg 8H
1432DA Aalsmeer, The Netherlands
+31(0)649055217 (call by using whatsapp)

Read everything for your perfect fit.
Read everything for your perfect fit.
Read everything for your perfect fit.
Read everything for your perfect fit.
Read everything for your perfect fit.
Crafted for speed, control and big air with ultimate ride comfort in any condition.
ShotgunWhat kiteboard type or size do you need? Everything you'll need to know for a perfect match, including common comparisons.
Kiteboard guideTake a look at all our designs our artists allready made! Which one is your favorite?
ShotgunWhat kiteboard type or size do you need? Everything you'll need to know for a perfect match.
Kiteboard guideEveryone should be 100% happy with their LIEUWE® board. This is why we offer 30-days-money-back, free shipping to most parts of the globe with Delivery Duty Paid, ultra fast delivery and Pay in 2 interest-free terms services.
Choosing the right Lieuwe kiteboard is crucial for your performance. Check our recommendations on type, size, your level and the conditions of your home spot.
It looks like your state of mind completely changes when you become a kitesurfer. Your holidays will always be determined by the wind season, which has kicked off in Tarifa. This kitesurfing mekka has so much to offer....